Monthly Archives: May 2019

Life is Strange 2- Episode 3 talk

What’s the next step for the two Diaz brothers in their ongoing escape from the law? Working on a pot farm naturally.

This episode had taken the boys even further away from their past, as emphasised by the flashback at the beginningĀ to a few months before the incident which feels like a lifetime ago.

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After being chased away from their grandparent’s home, Sean and Daniel have now settled into a camp of workers in a marijuana facility, with a few other travellers including Cassidy and Finn who made a brief appearance in Episode 2. Despite the gruelling work, there’s a strong sense of community that Sean and Daniel have been accepted into though they themselves seem to be growing apart.

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There are many segments which involves doing chores, including cutting up weed and peeling potatoes, but it’s interesting to get to know the other workers who are all outcasts in their own way and seem to be running away from something just like Sean and Daniel.

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Other parts of the episode consist of the group hanging out at the camp and getting blazed and whatnot. If the player chooses, Sean can be given a haircut by Finn. I chose to get the haircut and I deeply regret it.

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Never wanted Max’s rewind power as much as I want it right now

While there was an interesting development around Sean’s romance options, as he can get with Finn or Cassidy or neither, the episode felt a little underwhelming up until the end segment where Finn devises a heist plan after the pot farm boss Merrill fires Sean and orders a guy called Big Joe to punish Daniel the literal child, leading to Daniel retaliating and reveal of his powers to the others.

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The episode really picked up with Sean, Daniel and Finn infiltrating Big Joe’s trucks, I was pretty determined to make sure that they couldn’t be followed after stealing one of the trucks. The confrontation at Merrill’s house was really tense and unpredictable, and the stakes were high as depending on the choices, there’s a possibility for a character to die. Life is Strange 2_20190513224820.jpg

In the chaos, Daniel becomes enraged and unleashes a force that destroys the house. Shockingly, the ending montage pans over Sean who looks like he’s not going to make it to the next episode. Life is Strange 2_20190513224920.jpg

The preview for Episode 4 was very ominous and frankly my previous musings over Daniel being a villain suddenly are becoming entirely plausible.

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